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- # mail script. lifted from anduril by wd.
- # this script is in the public domain
- # $Id: mail,v 1.2 2002/08/01 00:51:08 wd Exp $
- # this module is intended as a replacement for the built-in functionality of
- # epic's mail code. currently it only handles mbox-style mail boxes. it
- # allows the user to add and remove mboxes as desired, and change the
- # checking time.
- # you can /set mail_watch_time to change the time interval for scanning for
- # new mail
- # this script honors /set mail to completely enable/disable checking.
- #
- # you can use the /mbox command to list details about currently added
- # mailboxes. you can also use it to add or delete folders from the list.
- @mail.folders = getenv(MAIL)
- ^on ^set "mail_watch_time *" {
- if ([$1] == []) {
- echo $banner Current value of MAIL_WATCH_TIME is $mail.time
- return
- }
- if (mail.time > 0) {
- ^timer -del mailcheck
- }
- if ([$1] > 0) {
- @mail.time = [$1]
- ^timer -refnum mailcheck -rep -1 $mail.time mail.check
- }
- echo $banner Value of MAIL_WATCH_TIME set to $mail.time
- }
- alias mbox (cmd, args) {
- if (cmd != [] && cmd != [list] && numwords($args) != 1) {
- echo [mail] usage: /mbox [add|del|list] [folder]
- return
- } else if (cmd == []) {
- @:cmd = [list]
- }
- @:folder = twiddle($args)
- switch ($cmd) {
- (add) {
- if (findw($folder $mail.folders) != -1) {
- echo [mail] folder $args is already being monitored
- return
- }
- @:stat = stat($folder)
- if (stat == []) {
- echo [mail] stat\($folder\) failed. either the file is not accesible or the system does not support stat(2).
- return
- }
- @push(mail.folders $folder)
- @push(mail.times $word(11 $stat))
- echo [mail] now monitoring $folder for new mail
- }
- (del) {
- if (findw($folder $mail.folders) == -1) {
- echo [mail] folder $folder is not being monitored
- return
- }
- @mail.folders = remw($folder $mail.folders)
- echo [mail] no longer monitoring $folder for new mail
- }
- (list) {
- @:mtot = 0
- @:cols = word(0 $geom())
- echo $pad(${cols - 40} \" \" folder) $pad(20 \" \" last modified) $pad(8 \" \" size) $pad(8 \" \" messages)
- for xx in ($mail.folders) {
- @:stat = stat($xx)
- @:out = pad(${cols - 40} \" \" $xx)
- if (stat != []) {
- @:out #= [ $pad(20 \" \" $strftime($word(11 $stat) %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S))]
- @:out #= [ $pad(8 \" \" $mail.size_fmt($word(7 $stat)))]
- } else {
- @:out #= [ $pad(20 \" \" unknown) $pad(8 \" \" unknown)]
- }
- @:mcnt = 0
- @:fd = open($xx R)
- if (fd > -1) {
- while (!eof($fd)) {
- if (word(1 $read($fd)) == [From]) {
- @:mcnt++
- }
- }
- }
- @close($fd)
- @:out #= [ $pad(8 \" \" $mcnt)]
- @:mtot += mcnt
- echo $out
- }
- }
- (*) {
- echo [mail] usage: /mbox [add|del|list] [folder]
- }
- }
- }
- alias mail.check {
- if (numwords($mail.folders) == 0 || MAIL == 0 || MAIL == []) {
- return
- }
- for (@:i = 0,i < numwords($mail.folders),@:i++) {
- @:folder = word($i $mail.folders)
- @:stat = stat($folder)
- if (stat == []) {
- continue
- }
- if (word(11 $stat) > word($i $mail.times)) {
- echo [mail] new mail in $folder \($strftime($word(11 $stat) %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S)\)
- @mail.times = chngw($i $word(11 $stat) $mail.times)
- }
- }
- }
- alias mail.size_fmt (n) {
- stack push set floating_point_math
- ^set floating_point_math on
- if (!n) {
- @function_return = [0b]
- } elsif (n < 1024) {
- @function_return = [${n}b]
- } elsif (n < 1048576) {
- @function_return = [$trunc(2 ${n / 1024})kb]
- } elsif (n < 1073741824) {
- @function_return = [$trunc(2 ${n / 1048576})mb]
- } elsif (n < 1099511627776) {
- @function_return = [$trunc(2 ${n / 1073741824})gb]
- } else {
- @function_return = [$trunc(2 ${n / 1099511627776})tb]
- }
- stack pop set floating_point_math
- }
- for xx in ($mail.folders) {
- @:stat = stat($xx)
- if (stat == []) {
- @mail.folders = remw($xx $mail.folders)
- } else {
- @push(mail.times $word(11 $stat))
- }
- }
- @mail.time = [60]
- ^timer -refnum mailcheck -rep -1 $mail.time mail.check
- # vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 tw=79 syntax=off ai smartindent: